Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Children are a Gift.

Lately I've been day dreaming...

About someday being a Mother.
A mother is a teaching, a protector of the home, 2nd in command she is a leader.
A comforter in time of need. She should also be a wellspring of JOY in the home.
She is there with time no matter how busy she is to listen to all your worries and fears.
This is someone I've always known I'd be someday...
Today I was tutoring my 6 yr old sister in law and had a lot of fun.
We sang and shared smiles.
She is my little buddy and we filled the whole house with joy together.
Kids are the future so what is more valuable than investing time in them?
If you don't have time for them you don't have time for life.

Some parents don't enjoy their children. I do not understand this. They can't wait to get away from them like they aren't their own flesh and blood.
My parents enjoyed spending time with me. When I wasn't old enough to work with my Dad my Mom took us kids everywhere...I never had a babysitter that I can remember except for my older siblings and grandparents.
When I worked with my Dad I got to spend the whole day with him.
We talked in-between jobs and worked great together- I really liked it.
One of my first memories is of my mother taking me to the post office. It was just up the road from our house. When she was pregnant with Ryan the last baby in our family we would go walking together and this told me she cared about me because she spent time with me.

My husband and I talk often about out future kids, activities we will do with them.
How things might be. What godly things we want for our kids.
We are excited to start a family- we both want lots of kids- how ever many God gives us.
I'm enjoying this stage of life...being a newlywed....going on dates...having my hubby all to myself...but I'm excited for the next one too.
I have two main role models-
And I hope I'm as joyful and cheerful as Debbie Pearl
And as calm and peaceful as Michelle Dugger.
But I am Rebekah McGuffey and can only ask God to make me into the mother I will be.
Whenever it happens.


  1. That was a very sweet post...
    from your heart.
    I will be praying for you.
    I love you,

  2. Becky, there are depths in a woman's heart that only motherhood can tap. I look forward to seeing your children and to watching you mother. I am SO grateful to have your help with mine. It makes it some easier to leave them for a time if I know that G-M is in your wise care for a few hours.
