like most my days that I go to work....but no one spit on me.... hit me or cussed me out
like Wednesday. I did get told thank you a lot and that always helps- and it was a bonus shift and those are always nice but it was a morning shift and those are always crazy. But as crazy as things get it's always worth it to help people...even if they are out of their minds half the time :)
At the store....
I felt like getting ice cream...and pickles.
No reason just wanted those two things. I already have a reputation in our little store- now to add to it I buy crazy food items :)
So the cashier looks at my food and asks: "Are we pregnant?"
I had to laugh- and sadly tell her no....I think...I will let you know in a few wks.
At home....finally home.
Clean, clean, run 2 miles as fast as I can before the rain comes, shower, nap, take my hubby lunch- LUNCH DATE! Back home, sigh, time to write and relax.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
God be with you-