Ever get into a fight with your spouse and you know what you were doing was wrong but hearing it come from their mouth just broke your heart? Well, it should if it didn't.
I hate it when I'm on a perfect date with my husband then one little glitch turns me into a sour tornado of stress.
I mean, we hardly get one on one time having two littles- I should just be able to relax and have a few hours of bliss right?
I have a sin nature, that if it isn't the devil, it's my flesh (for in my flesh dweller no good thing) will try to tear my marriage apart.
How to remedy this?
Admit you were wrong.
When faced with this problem be humble, say your sorry.
Sometimes I honestly tell my husband I dont know what came over me but can we start over.
And I have to make myself stop complaining, freaking out about nothing.
My husband is kind.
Proverbs 19:22
I have always seen this in him from the moment I met him. Even when he calls me out on my errors he does it gently and patiently.
As iron sharpeneth iron; so a man the countenance of his friend Proverbs 27:17 and Isaiah is my best friend.
If you have not such a husband then you will need more grace to keep the peace in your home- YOU need to choose to be the kind one.
Why not just shove it under the rug?
Because marriage is not meant for that.
It is a picture of Christ and the Church. Marriage is the foundation of the family and if we are going to build up strong kids, communities, churches and give glory to God the one who created us we need to have peace in the home.
Posted via Blogaway
Monday, May 18, 2015
His Kindness
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Mommy Moments
As we walked up the road together I scanned the ground for any change that might have been dropped there.
We walked up the road, crossed the street, passed the small convenience store to get to the Post Office every day.
And every day I scanned the ground for loose change in hopes of finding at least ten cents to buy a sucker at the store.
I wonder if my mom dropped change on the ground when I wasn't looking-
It was Tuesday, taco Tuesday at Taco Johns, tacos were $.99 and my Mom had at least 6 kids at that time to get a quick lunch while running errands.
We went to the Redfern house aka black hole because my Mom always got to chatting with her best friend and we were having so much fun playing with our best friends we never wanted to leave.
I scanned the shelves and rows of books. I was in a magical place where I could go anywhere just by opening up pages and reading automatically transported me there until my mother ship came looking for me.
I am riding in a mini van staring out at the mountains and trees making up the beautiful forest as we travel an hour or so drive to see my favorite boy on the whole earth my soul mate.
She kissed my cheek and gave me one last hug as "her" girl before I walked down the aisle and became "his" girl.
She smiled proudly at me as she held my first born daughter....and she smiled proudly at me as she held my first born son.
She slept on my couch in my tiny house that was very unfinished.
We stayed up late watching Downton Abbey and ate pop corn.
We text every day.
We take road trips together.
Thanks Mom for always being there and giving me Mommy Moments-